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Getting That Work-Life Balance More Under Control

By 30 January 2015No Comments

Will you get your work-life balance right this new year – try some of these.

  1. Set time limits and work within them. Don’t be in work mode 24/7.
  2. Schedule time for family and friends just as you do for work.
  3. Break up your day to avoid burnout.
  4. Identify your most productive times and use them for work; use non-productive times for other things.
  5. Check email and social media at regular intervals, not constantly.
  6. Delegate more and stop micro-managing.
  7. Create new healthy habits and stick to them.
  8. Give your full attention to whatever you are doing at any one time.
  9. Give yourself a break — you can’t do it all.
  10. Remember why you are in business in the first place.